Release Your Pain & Be The Light

“Why can you not become enlightened? It is because of the obstacles in your mind and because the root of your pain is deep.” ~Hui Neng As many of you know, I am currently writing a book to educate, enlighten and empower children and adults to be their...

What Children Are Really Communicating

Photo By: Our sorrows and wounds are healed only when we touch them with compassion. ~Buddha When babies cry everyone rushes to reveal what’s wrong and alleviate their stress.  It’s somewhat of an instinct in our culture. We...

Choose Love

This morning, while watching my 7 year old voraciously tear through his Christmas gifts I couldn’t help but think of the victims of Sandy Hook.  I saw flashes of each of the innocent victims; especially the children, who were taken from this life all too soon in...

The Power of the Present

Hello everyone! I am sorry that it has been so long since my last post.  It seems like life sped up for a bit and I got stuck in my head instead of my heart!  So, here I am today with a raging headache and feeling inspired to write…who knew? I am one of those...

Childhood is Too Precious to Ignore

  There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in.  ~Graham Greene, The Power and The Glory Childhood is a short period in our lives that begins at birth and ends at puberty.  According to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, it is defined...