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30 Day Commitment

Congratulations! You have chosen to embark upon a journey of self-love and I am so very happy for you. You will undoubtedly need your cape for the next 30 days, but the catch is that you are only allowed to use it for yourself! You must have laser focus and keep the emphasis on you. I know this will quite honestly be the most difficult part of the 30-day commitment for you. However, I am confident that if you keep the focus on yourself for 30 days, then you will absolutely change your life and never feel the need to rescue at the detriment of yourself again. If by chance you do, you will recognize the signs quickly and have the tools to stop yourself before going down that rabbit hole!

If you’re ready to feel whole, perfect, and complete. If you’re ready for the most critical rescue of your lifetime. If…you…are ready…to once and for all be your very best self then sign the following and let’s get the party started!

30 Day Commitment Agreement

I ________________________________________ commit 30 days to me, myself and I. I will stay the course, read a chapter daily, and follow the exercises to the best of my ability. If that means I must wake up early or stay up late to get my general responsibilities taken care of, then so be it. If that means that I need to ask others for support to give myself the “me time” I need, then I shall ask for that as well. I will not beat myself up mentally or emotionally. I will treat myself with the gentle, loving care that I give to others. I commit to making this happen. I commit to fighting harder for myself than I’ve ever fought for anyone else in the past. I am a mountain. Nothing and no-one will knock me down. I am important. I am powerful. I am worthy. I will love and protect myself like never before.


(Your name goes here 😉)


Click the image below to download the Agreement

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