So, today, I feel totally, extremely blessed. I feel that way, because for the first time in my life, on Valentine’s Day, nonetheless, I finally can say that I LOVE myself!
On September 11, 2011, I had one of the most ah-mazing experiences of my entire life. Not only did I have the privilege of being called on stage in NYC at the Hay House Movers & Shakers Speak, Write, Promote Event to share my message, but more importantly, I felt that during my speech, everyone in the room was truly connected. You see, in the middle of this 5-7 minute speech, I just broke out in song…that’s right, you heard me correctly, I broke out in song!
I started to sing, “I believe the children are our future. Teach them well, and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside. Give them a sense of pride, to make it easier. Let the children’s laughter, remind us how we used to be…”
I’m sure you know that familiar song well…”The Greatest Love of All,” sang beautifully, none other than, by Whitney Houston in her prime. I began singing this song because Spirit moved me to do so. I was speaking of my purpose here on Earth…the preservation of childhood, and so it fit perfectly.
The most beautiful part of this whole experience was not that I was able to go on stage during this event and share my message with hundreds of people, including the beloved Louise Hay, amazing Cheryl Richardson, and truly inspiring publisher of Hay House, Reid Tracy…Instead, the most beautiful part of this whole experience was that when I began to sing that song, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE in the room joined in to sing it with me. In that moment, we were all ONE, all connected at the very core of our being. It was perfect, and beautiful, and truly Ah-mazing!
Today, on February 14, 2011, I feel very honored to have had that experience, and even more inspired to share my message with the world. I believe that their are 7 Core Essentials to building strong foundations for our children, which ultimately lead to being the best possible version of yourself in adulthood. The first of those is LOVING YOURSELF.
I know it sounds cliche’, but in truth it is the answer to all of the cracks in our very own foundation of life. How about this Valentine’s day, you step out of your comfort zone of looking for love from others and you take the time to find your TRUE reflection.
You are absolutely beautiful. You ARE Source energy. You are AH-MAZING! Take a deeper look in that MIRROR and see that you are all that you ever searched for…go ahead…Love yourself!
Here’s a tool to try this week to get started on this beautiful journey to the Greatest Love of All…Loving Yourself (I will send another tip after you’ve practiced this for at least 1 week, so make sure you follow this blog so you won’t miss out)
Speak kindly to yourself.
1) Start your day, every day, with a positive affirmation just for you. As you lay in your cozy bed, (even just for the first 5 seconds of those waking moments) close your eyes, and think to yourself…I am motivated. I am worthy. I am beautiful. I am ah-mazing! It doesn’t really matter if you believe it at first…’fake it til ya make it!’
2) After you stretch and get ready to start your day, before you hop into that shower, stop and look in the MIRROR, then say those same affirmations as you look deep into your very own eyes. (I know it can be hard to do your first time, but my 1st graders do mirror work, so trust me, you can too!) It’s just you, Source energy and the mirror, and I promise IT will move you!
3) As your day rolls on and the voices build, breathe in and say those same affirmations again and again. Shield yourself from the negative thoughts and immerse yourself in Love. If you’ve ever loved someone or something, I mean really loved, then you know that the first thing you did was speak kindly. Falling in Love with yourself means starting at square one…speak words of kindness, and only words of kindness. If at some point, you find that words of self- doubt, despair, or the good ‘ol beating up of the self creep up on you, just breathe in again and repeat your kind words. It’s just practice, but practice does make perfect…and the Truth is, you’re already perfect, you just might not know it yet!
Sending you lots of Love (and the courage to Love yourself),
If you liked this blog post, you may also want to check out for guidance to inspire children! 🙂
I read “So, today, I feel totally, extremely blessed. I feel that way, because for the first time in my life, on Valentine’s Day, nonetheless, I finally can say that I LOVE myself!” and I was smiling to myself–yes. For the first time in my life, I feel the same way too! <3 Self-Love is tough, it takes hard work and discipline–but it is SOOOOOO worth it. The reward is sliping into a the world's most comfortable PJs that is your own skin, feeling all snug & loved!
Thank you for sharing, and soooooo happy you feel it too! 🙂
Love is the only answer.
Why is it so easy to love everyone but yourself??
I know, I love, and respect Vicki for her work with young children and the moms too :)!
Thank you for sharing your greatest love of all, the gift of healing….
Thank you Liz 🙂